Committed To Obtaining Maximum Compensation For Arizona Dog Bite Victims

Being attacked by a dog is a horrifying experience. While physical injuries are a virtual certainty, the emotional trauma is often equally harmful. Owners are held accountable for the harm their dogs cause, and injury victims have the right to receive full compensation for their medical care and other losses they suffer when attacked by a dog.

If you or a loved one has been attacked or bitten by a dog, it is important that you have a reliable Arizona dog bite injury attorney representing you from the very outset. At the law firm of Steve German, A Law Firm, we represent clients with serious dog bite claims. From our office in Scottsdale, we accept cases throughout the Greater Phoenix metropolitan and surrounding areas.

Understanding Arizona Law Regarding Dog Bites

Arizona dog owners are strictly liable for harm caused by their dogs. There is no so-called "one-bite rule" or other protections that allow the owner to escape liability. The only defense in dog bite injury claims is proof that the dog was provoked or that the victim was trespassing.

It does not matter whether the owner knew of the dog's propensity for violence or any history of biting. Owners are accountable for their dogs' actions in any public place and on their own property, provided the victim was on the owner's property lawfully and was not provoking the dog.

Talk To One Of Our Dog Bite Injury Lawyers About Your Case

Call our office to schedule a free consultation if you or a loved one was attacked or bitten by a dog. You can reach us at 480-607-9166 or via email. We handle all dog bite injury claims on a contingency fee basis, and you won't pay anything unless we obtain compensation for you.