When Tire Defects Cause Serious Harm

Tire tread separations and other defects in tires cause catastrophic accidents, horrible injuries and many deaths each year. Unfortunately, tire manufacturers and retailers have placed an enormous number of dangerous, defective tires on virtually every type of vehicle on the road today. While defective tires can cause death and destruction in many different types of vehicles, when those tires are put on certain types of especially unsafe vehicles, the risks go even higher.

Skilled Lawyers For Defective Tire Claims In Arizona

At Steve German, A Law Firm, in Scottsdale, we handle product liability claims, including defective tire and tread separation cases. Depending on the type of tire and the type of defect involved, we also team up with the very best, most experienced expert witnesses and product liability attorneys in the country.

Give us a call today at 480-607-9166 to arrange a no-cost consultation with a lawyer about your specific case. We serve clients throughout the Phoenix area and across Arizona.

Our attorneys have worked on tread-separation and vehicle rollover cases for decades, including the Ford/Firestone debacle. Our firm has helped resolve rollover and other cases for amounts ranging from hundreds of thousands of dollars to over $10 million.

If you or a loved one was seriously injured or killed as the result of a rollover or tread separation, it is imperative that you waste no time in seeking legal representation. Preserving the vehicle, the tire and/or tire treads is instrumental, and should not be overlooked.

Contact us for an immediate consultation regarding your accident. Product liability claims are handled on a contingency basis. This means you pay nothing unless you will your case. Contact us by email or by phone at 480-607-9166 to schedule your free consultation.